You take the bad…and then I guess you have, the fact of life. Just the fact of life.
I was having the worse morning and true to this whole experience, a lot of light showed up. Just in time! It was looking dark.
The dark: Benno is sick. Got him tested for flu and strep, all negative. Looking like an everyday cold but nothing feels “everyday” anymore. So we are dealing with that. Back to keeping the kids at a distance from each other. Just when I thought the hunkering was over!!
The dark: Loads of cancer calls today with friends desperately looking for help for loved ones. Each story more heart wrenching than the next. Mothers told to say goodbye to their children, teenagers relapsing, etc.
But there is always the light in the darkness. Humanity coming to save the day.
The light: Jacob’s bone marrow came back again NED! So we are SOOOOOO close to the finish line here. Jacob is in a great mode and bursting with energy. I think he would be able to return to school in April…if there is school to be had. As predicted the schools are slowly closing…
The light: I got an email about the launch of an initiative to prevent childhood cancers! Let’s remember that cancer is the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH BY DISEASE for children in the USA and is only RISING. While cancer rates are decreasing for some cancer (like lung cancer) that is NOT the case with pediatric cancers. They are on the rise! This initiative is long overdue, but it’s here, and I plan on playing a large role. The group is made of scientists, health professionals, and policymakers. Let’s do this! This made me feel happy. Let’s talk more about prevention.
MORE light: Cycle for Survivor Founder Dave Linn and his girlfriend Kathy all wearing Nightwing bands for Jacob as they raise money for cancer! WOW. So touched. Thanks Julie Frank, fellow nightwing warrior!