This war is that big of a deal.
This is not a fight of two peoples/ countries/ cultures, etc. No. This is a fight for HUMANITY and I’m not being dramatic (which I know I can be). I mean that this war is literally challenging the very definition of what being human is. The purpose of life.
For the past 1,000 years the goal of this game called “being a human” was survival. You win by seeing the next day. The goal: not get eaten by a lion or (the modern day equivalent) not having that extra piece of cake to avoid heart disease. From birth to old age, we spend our lives trying to not get killed/ survive longer. We built spears, invented seatbelts, and discovered medications with the hopes of extending our lifetimes. And we’re getting pretty good at this game with human life expectancy growing year after year.
Therefore, being human (humanity), is just one game of trying to not get killed/ aka living life to its fullest. And it makes sense as its a natural consequence to something I thought we all had in common. You know that whole concept that the whole point of being born is to live. That there is meaning to living.That there was meaning in the now. That every life has a purpose.
But there is a “new” game model out on this “being human” journey being sold across the world. This one has a difficult twist. A new rule if you will.
New rule: You can pass go, get Boardwalk and Park Place, take as much money from the bank, if you Kill yourself while killing as many other players as possible (the more the better). These other players being non-Muslims.
This makes dying the ultimate game hack. You automatically win and can do it as young as your body can carry a suicide bomb vest. Living long is not going to help you. The purpose of life in this version is not to live, but to die for a bigger cause.
If we all don’t believe that living is the goal and your life has meaning HERE (not in the after life), it threatens our very existence . As living in a world with a group of people who don’t value even their own lives (even willing to make children human shields)…means they for sure don’t value yours. The two can simply not co-exist. One calls for the destruction of another.
It’s time for humanity to decide the rules of our humanity. Is the goal…
Life or afterlife?
(Big asterisks)* – please see note.
*I want to recognize that the attacks on our concept of humanity are not new and that there has been Muslim on Muslim genocide happening in MANY countries and is continuing right now. I am complicit among many of you for not caring until it started slaughtering our own. And we are only seeing the consequences of our complicity. Without all of our species agreeing on a common stance of humanity that values life, we are doomed for more children being beheaded, women being mutilated. Radicalized Islam has no place in either Muslim or any other country.