I think we have zero fucking clue.
All of us.
That includes you, experts. That even includes you pediatric association. Not because you may not know, but because you allow yourself to be silenced.
I recall when you had to walk back your stance against screens because you couldn’t find direct causation, just correlation. And it’s true. I didn’t either. I have never seen screen time as the devil. Maybe that is because we were all looking at the wrong freaking thing. It’s not the screen. It’s not the content. It’s not the time on task.
It’s the fucking radiation.
It’s the water.
The more I read, the more convinced I am. Want a quick summary of the latest research? Read The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Usse of Technology by Nicolas Pineault. What I like about Nicolas is he isn’t an EMF expert, but he’s a learner. He just dives deep and understands that anyone can become knowledgeable if they know how to learn. This is the TRUE secret of success. Shhhhh…I just gave away the secret ingredient to MTG. The book quickly summarizes the water and then gives some tips on protecting yourself, but may I stress, forget yourself, focus on PROTECTING YOUR CHILDREN.
There has never been a generation swimming in such water and it is just a fact that children absorb more EMFs than you do. That no one can deny.
And our children are not just swimming, they are drinking the piss water. Today that became so clear to me. I took the boys swimming in the hotel pool and I had to remind them (repeatedly) to keep their mouth closed when swimming.
They don’t question. It’s just water…right?
And what scares me the most is no one is protecting us. Telecom owns our government. Literally. As we are the ONLY country that allows such little oversight and has such high standards of acceptable electric magnetic fields.
The USA allows 61.4 v/m as its safety limit. The country that is second in line is a THIRD of that with Belgium coming in at 21 v/m. China and Russia (who we think of as polluters in some sense) have REAL concerns about EMF and its long term effects. They only allow 6 v/m. Putting our standards 10x higher.
And most countries are concerned. France in 2010, based on data, outlawed advertising of cell phones for children younger than 14. Belgium, even with its relatively high safe limit, bans advertising towards children altogether.
And while yes the American Academy of Pediatrics issued recommendations to reduce wireless exposures to children, they were just that, recommendations. While in Israel wireless networks are banned in preschools and Kindergartens and limited to 3 hours per week in 1st and 2nd. France too has such bans in early childhood and wifi in schools need to be turned off when not in use.
And honestly, we still don’t know the effects of a developing brain surrounded by such input. We just don’t. It’s never been done.
But we will one day.
Just like we have before. And it will be late.
Too late. Always too late.
Like 71 years too late. Recall lead in gasoline? Early warning signs of this toxin was discovered in 1925. The US government did not ban it completely until 1996. And being late has consequences; 68 million children with toxic levels of lead. And asbestos? We were 99 years late on that one and countless lives lost. It is still killing 10,000+ people a year.
So you can’t wait for the government to save you. You saw how hard it was to fight against big tobacco. They are NOTHING compared to telecom.
So Steve and I are changing a few things. No. No. No. We are not becoming hippies and moving in with our chickens. We still need our phone and we are the techiest people I know. I love my tech. I still think technology is overall good and will save my child. I actually think if people were aware of the water, maybe technology could fix it.
I swear I’m not going to live with the Amish. Although, I would take that over the life I’m living now!!
But there are simple things you can do to help clean your water.
First. STOP WEARING YOUR BLUETOOTH HEADSETS. Just stop that. Promise me that? That is some serious radiation going straight into your head. Even Steve who is obsessed with the new apple ear pods refuses to wear them after what we have read.
Second. TURN OFF WIFI AT NIGHT. Just disconnect the entire thing or set a timer on it so from 11PM-5AM its off. No need to get radiation when you don’t need it, especially when sleeping that’s when your body heals.
Third. Keep children’s devices on airplane mode when you can. Try not to have them put them on laps, especially boys. And you know my fear of infertility ladies! Oh God flashbacks of Handmaid’s Tale! Oh for the love of God people don’t let your boys become infertile. We know how this ends!
Okay, enough ranting for today.
I just share because I love you all and NEVER EVER want anyone to walk these shoes.
They are terrible shoes. Seriously. They never break-in. They come with blisters. And smell. Oh and they are UGLY as hell too. You don’t want these shoes.