There is a weaker species and I have the data to prove it.
All of them.
I find it remarkable how weak they are. How they require more sleep. How they require more of basically everything. Larger than life babies. Sure they can perform tricks. Some can fix things. Some can whip up a good meal, but they can’t do it all.
Women can do it all.
Steve does not stop complaining.
How tired he is. No shit Sherlock.
For the record, Steve has only slept one night here (the first SCARY night) and it was more work having him here. This was his first night ever sleeping here and he slept the entire time. I’m not even sure how that is possible? How he could not be ready to jump. Ready to jump into action. How could he sleep through the bells and times when doctors came in and inserted tubes into our child? How? How can he not be ready to fight? Advocate?
I know we have this whole image of men as the hunters (strong ones) and females as the gathers, but I am positive that women would out hunt the men given the opportunity. Hands down they would. Our superiority does have a tinge of manipulation involved. We can catch anything. We only gathered because we had to have the children with us. Men couldn’t handle doing two things at a time and I’m sure some women had to inform them that.
I’m sure we had to explain it all. I am positive we choose the roles. We had to take the children. For sure. Left with the men they would be dead!
So I don’t think culture is to blame for men being babied. I really just think they are genetically weaker, which makes me question.
We are by far the more resourceful and powerful sex. We are able to handle it all and we give birth to life. Thats some crazy power right there. The creator of life! The recent decades have been proof that we are superior as we outperform at home AND at work. Throw anything our way and we can do it and it does not require 18 holes to relax nor hours on the couch. But yet…we lag. We lag in pay and we lag in certain skills, not because we aren’t capable of those skills, but because men keep them a secret.
No one teaches us.
I feel like mothers do teach their sons the other side or at least they are exposed to the “women’s work” around the house, but our daughters never see the other side. At least I never did. I don’t know how the finances work and Steve can use this card at his leisure.
I asked him to teach me. “That would take longer than me doing it.” Said always with a sigh. What a burden I am.
But this only confirms one thing. They know.
They know we are superior. They have to keep secrets. They need special skills.
Let’s change that. It’s not like we’re not capable. That’s not the issue.
I’m excited that Mind the Gap will change that. Everyone (men and women) will get ALL the skills, even the ones attributed to the “other.”
So that will be fixed.
BUT…there is something else. Women suck.
Why are we so cruel and mean to each other? Steve and I talk about this a lot. He sees it. He doesn’t understand it either. It is boggling even to a man (the inferior race).
According to evolutionary psychology, we are engrained to be like this. We see each other as the enemy. A possible threat to our mate, and therefore, a threat to our genes being passed down. So we knock each other down. But, like evolution, we are still evolving and the world has changed. The needs for survival have changed. No longer do we worry about prey around the corner. No longer do we spend our days finding water (at least here in NYC), so can we change our behaviors along with the environment.
Personally I like strong ass women. The women that made my life hell are also my favorite. I have no plans to knock them down.
So all we need to do is support each other and we can take our proper throne.
It will be easy.
Have you seen the other sex?!
Like stealing candy from a baby.