Want to talk about something lovely?
I do!
How about this.
Last night we received this. It is from Vytas.
A friend that showed us another dimension. A friend with a very large light on back of a bicycle that you just followed without thinking about it. No thinking. Just blind faith. You knew it would lead to good places and you had zero agenda but that moment. Our friendship is only 3 days. A few days at Burning Man. Haven’t seen him since, but that’s not a requirement for friends. A friend is a connection and it can’t go away regardless of distance and time.
We sent Vytas our burning man letter. He took our letter to the temple to hang it.
In the temple, people hang memorials to loved ones lost, even letters to their rapists, anything that requires healing. It also is a spiritual place. A place to get married or to write important messages to the world or self. Slowly throughout the burn people add and the walls morph into a college of cries of love and lost.
Here is Jacob’s letter. It has the hearts.
I love where our letter was placed. It says “read me kind sir!” I’ve extended myself out to you.
Look! “ I’m trying to touch you!”
I know that it probably was passed by most. I get it. We are visual creatures and rightfully so. Connecting with an image is easier than words. As the saying goes “A picture tells a hundred words.” When you see a person, it becomes real. We have gotten this advice from many friends when raising money for cancer. Throw in a picture of Jacob. “You need more pictures of bald children, people respond to that.”
But we don’t.
As this is really Jacob’s story. It is his fight. And definitely his choice if his image is to be plastered on a temple seen by 75,000 people.
I often wonder what his blog would say? What this fight is to him? Is it even a fight? Or is it just days in PJs watching fights on TV?
I wonder if there will be a future blog? Will he remember this? Will he have things he wants to record? Does he have lessons to tell?
And then I saw this picture. Not sure if this kind sir stopped to look at Jacob’s letter, but I know someone did. Confirmation. Message heard.
And I share THIS too from this last burn. I share it with myself because it makes me smile and also reminds me of someone special.
A friend from high school that lost her life a few years ago to cancer. She couldn’t have been more than 35 years old. We were friends in middle school and Wayne’s World had just come out and we were obsessed with this movie and singing Bohemian Rhapsody.
Look Lauren! Look at all the crazy people singing together. I know a lot of tutus. It must have been tutu Tuesday and YES that looks like a giant ship in the middle of the desert?! I recall you liking quirky things like this:) You never fit a mold. You were always your true self. Even when we all got into high school and got “cool” and wore certain armor, you stayed you.
I imagine you participating with all these people. I imagine being there with you and all those others who lost their lives early to disease.
And we would sing…