Many know I collect speeches, pivotal ones. I have a top speeches list and there are obvious ones on it like Dr. King’s I have a Dream, to General McCraven’s Make Your bed, and what used to be number one, “This Is Water” by David Foster Wallace.
The bar is high. It has to be a PIVOTAL speech that brings a moral clarity to the human condition. It has to have a big lesson and often its simplicity is what resonates. For example, Dr. King made us question why something as simple as kids of different colors playing together as a “dream,” made people second guess their positions. It put man in its place. It brought clarity and a moral compass to churches and communities alike. It just put common sense first and good values followed.
Well, I have a new speech to share with you all. It is from the most unlikely of sources, but that is what I love most about it. That is why it is now my number one (sorry David Foster Wallace).
This speech reminds us that there is NO NUANCE in this war. We are dealing with what my father would call, POND SCUM. There is no “other side” ALL sides must support and demand Hamas to lay down its arms. We must free the world from terror.
And anyone that believes that there is context or nuance that stops them from that call, have lost all sight of morality. There is ZERO nuance.