I’ve always had a clear purpose and direction, educating little humans. It even came with a title and office. It had a schedule (6AM-6PM) and clear responsibilities, keep them alive and fed, and (oh yeah!) teach them to read and write too.
But this last phase in life doesn’t seem to have clear definitions. Leaving me at 43 years old asking the everlasting question- who am I? Or what should be an even easier question, “What do I do?”
And I can’t answer it.
I no longer clock in at an office nor have an official title like principal that elicits understanding from everyone who asks. It feels strange and a bit off putting to not have a title, to not fit into a clean box of understood roles in society.
And I don’t like the feeling. I am desperate. I’m in need of a title. In need of a definition. In need to point to something and say “I do that!”
So I asked the persons who knows all… my children of course!
Do your children know all too?!
I am lead to believe mine are “all knowing” as everything I say is quickly responded with “I know mom!” (cue eye roll). So they felt like the right people to get answers from.
I started with Benno: If someone came up to you and asked what your mother does what would you say?
And he didn’t blink an eye or even raise one from his ipad before answering. “She’s a professional hippie.”
I dismissed this as Benno being well…being Benno, as what is even a professional hippie, but when I went down to Jacob he quickly agreed. “Yes, you’re a hippie.”
When asked why?
“You wear beads, you like to dance, and you are all about healing and helping people.”
And so you have it.
I struggled to find a definition, but now I have one.
Meet me new business card: