Dear Nightwing,
As you know I founded Mind the Gap a year ago and have put together a dream team of educators and entrepreneurs. We have developed a solution to the crisis in higher education. What crisis you say? See HERE (I know shocking! Yes this is real! And yes, you can stop freaking out about your child’s high school experience, it’s what comes after that you should be worried about).
BUT no worries.
We are going to do better. We are going to fill the GAPS.
That’s what we do at Mind the Gap. We mind gaps in the education system and fill them.
Mind the Gap has created pathways in education for every student to find success in the real world. We believe that starts by being READY. Ready for whatever your next step is going to be. You need to be READY to make the most of college, ready for independent living, ready to walk into a room of people and know who you are. Being ready is key for learning and independent success.
As data-informed educators, we studied other countries’ education systems and programs with high success rates in the United States; We believe the data speaks for itself: gap year students outperform compared to their peers not just in school, but in life.
After a year of design,
We are READY and SET.
Be part of helping us GO as we raise funds for MTG LIFE READY.
HERE is the presentation in full with live links.
Mind the Gap is bringing on seed investors. Beyond the economic opportunity, the investors we seek to partner with need to understand the larger mission, giving our youth the skills to thrive in an increasingly unpredictable world. We are only interested in WIN WIN WIN deals.
While we are looking for a $2M check, many have expressed interest in this project. Therefore, we are willing to take checks as small as $20,000 from Friends ONLY as a convertible note OR future tuition (that is at a discounted rate of $5,000). Of course, we would be happy with more.
I’m a firm believer that the perfect investor is always in front of you, so I’m going to the Friends of Nightwing first. If you know someone who would be a perfect partner for us, please forward our information onwards. Our team is ready to meet with anyone that is interested, and we are ready to share financial models and programming details. Email us at :
And remember that MTG is not just about helping students find success, but also is about cancer. All the profits I make from Mind the Gap will be going towards cancer research.
Please help us not only solve the education system in the United States, but also, kick cancer’s ass.
Cancer is not going to stop this work.
It’s too important.