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Looking good

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

If scans are read from the outside, tomorrow we are going to crush it.

Jacob is looking pretty handsome.

Jacob asked us to buzz his head. My heart started racing. What could this possibly mean? Is he confused that he has hair and has cancer?! Is this some moment of psychological damage?! Does he want to look like the his peers at the hospital? Damn it Abby. I told you that you should explain another time that this chemo does not affect the hair follicles this round, he had little to no reaction when you told him. Maybe he didn’t understand? What could this mean?!

Me: Bracing myself….“Why do you want to buzz your hair?”

Jacob: “I hate having wet hair. It dries faster.”

That was it. Of course, that was it. Refreshingly it.

So we got home from pretending and went to it.

It started like this.

His review here.

Back picture requested

Steve’s turn!


So here we go tomorrow. Feeling pretty sick. Last time I went in numb. I wish I could go back there. This time I’m feeling like the first time…maybe too positive? And then I get sick thinking if I’m wrong. Ugh. Can’t win.

But never hurts to feel good with a new do. Jacob is walking in looking and feeling good.

Thank you all for the flicks going into tomorrow.

AND for the ladies at the challah bake at Chabad Tribeca tomorrow. I can’t go, because Jacob needs the HAHA test tomorrow (WORST named test of all time. I mean…), and we need to go in early. He needs to get his port accessed so he will flip without me, so there I will be, but kneed some freaking dough ladies. Kneed that dough! And thank you. Thank you so much. It really helped last time and damn that challah was delicious.

So know that I’ll be CHALLAHing at you my love and appreciation from the hospital. (Sorry couldn’t resist that one).


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