There is a girl. Her name is June and Jacob is “in love.”
It is a true summer love. Two “neighborhood” kids meeting up at the pool by day and running in the grass playing tag by night.
June lives about 10 boats down from us here in Montauk and everyday Jacob makes his way over to her dock yelling “JUNE JUNE JUNE!”
It feels just like this
And then June runs out and they begin their “shenanigans” (Jacob’s choice of word).
And it is hard to reconcile sometimes.
How the word June can change meanings in a drop of a hat. How something so dark can become light.
How June had been a word to recoil from this year as it answered the never ending question: “Date of diagnosis please?” How June was the beginning of at times felt like the end.
And how all of that has changed watching Jacob fall in love with June.
So it turns out, June is not the end, but the beginning.
Jacob & June.
Save the date:
Mark down your calendars. June’s mother and I will make sure this event is off the hook:) It will definitely involve some boating…not to be missed!