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Hunker OVER

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

Today we broke the hunker! YEAH!!!

I even had this view today.

I’m still running! I’ve gotten my mile average under 10 minutes and have done 4 miles FOUR times. WHAT?! And I don’t hate it (as much). Wonders never cease.

Jacob got outside today (and it wasn’t the hospital)! We celebrated being done with this round of chemo and immunotherapy. Jacob is rebounding faster than ever. And now we begin our game of pretending. We will pretend all the way to the next scan (AHHHH). From today until March 3rd we will live each day like it’s our last. We have no idea what life looks like on the other side, but only know that today looks GOOD.

So today was a sweet one.

AND tomorrow we get Jacob fitted for his hearing aids. He is BEYOND excited about these. He can’t wait to MUTE me. Yes…he is so charming.

But while we launch the “good” phase of Jacob’s treatment rounds, I will continue to hunker with my books, which are still WAY over my head. I am even thinking of even going back to school (DREAM!). I do miss school. I miss everything about school. Being in a place of learning is just inspirational. And maybe instead of focusing on other people/children’s learning, I should focus on my own. Looking for certificate programs, workshops, masters, people to talk to, lab visits, etc. ANYTHING. I want to understand how energy in the body can go wrong (interested in Western and Eastern thoughts on this) and how we can harness energy to reverse those wrongs. I’m narrowing down my specific interests, but if you know anything about the following please let me know. Book recs appreciated too!

  • Bioelectromagnetics (therapy)

  • Quantum physics (FOR DUMMYS!). Most interested in the following principles (like attracts like and the observer effect)

  • Environmental studies in public health


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