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Hunker Entertainment

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Just an average day in the Brody household. Steve has a “scan” today. You know on that one good lung. Yes that still looms in the background. Scans…

Our lives will be full of scans. Even after Jacob is cancer free, we will have scans. We will always be reminded of this reality.

So I am here hunkering with the boys. The day started off with the internet down and one husband out.

But guess who fixed it? ME! Oh yes, I did. Call me IT.

With the digital world back up and running in our home, I am listening to my children have a fight in the digital world. They are fighting about building in each other worlds. And then I heard it, Benno’s idea to build a wall. Ah a wall. Always comes down to a wall. So many of life’s historical fights, walls.

And I’m just listening to their fight. I am injecting when I can, but the conversation is just so fascinating and I also have ZERO idea what they are talking about half the time.

“I want to make a tunnel in the library.”

“NOT in MY library.”


“Jacob. Stop messing with my world.”

“I want a waterfall building.”

“Just don’t leave a saw on the floor like last time.”


The conversation goes in circles. I just let it circle me. At times I use my children as lab rats. Just observe them. Amazed by the fact that they have power at an age that no other generation has had before. They are creators from the beginning.

Becoming a creator is something that used to just be for adults. Creating something often required tools, hammer, nails, concrete. The tools of children used to be just imagination and blocks like legos. They were limited in what they could actualize. They could only build and often it would be destroyed, “clean up time.” But here they are creating an entire universe and the tools just update, always getting better and stronger. They can even bring others into their worlds.

I’m fascinated. I have my own live show of the future of mankind and in the background I have an even more compelling show.

We got our new ant farm!!

It’s not going well…for the ants.

Again a lesson in P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E. We “sort of” read the instructions. We were just too excited. All of us. It’s been a few years since our last ant farm. And we missed a crucial step and now we have created an ant workcamp. Please no judgement. I swear I love ants. This was NOT on purpose.

But yet nothing can stop the ants. They don’t give up! They continue to build. Continue to create their community even when the odds are against them. Even when they have to climb and dive. They work nonstop. They have moved about a half a cup of sand grain by grain.

We could learn a lot from ants.

However, I feel bad about this ant torture. I will do better. In the depths of my despair, I bought two more ant farms. Got to do better. Hunkering is about to get a whole lot better. Check this one out!! I’m so excited!!! I promise to post all of the action.

Did you check out those highways and there seems to be an ant cafe?! WHAT?!

And I didn’t even know my life was missing this until I saw THIS.

YES! I can watch them at night. A light up ant farm!!

And thank you Amazon. Yes, it’s true, my child does not have immunity. I appreciate the cleaning cloth.

So we hunker. This is GOOD. We are not in the hospital. Against the odds we still are here, like our ants.


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