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Gun violence

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

And here I am thinking about glass planes.

Reading how I reasoned to my son that he does not need to fear school, because the idea that someone would come in and shoot innocent children just makes ZERO sense. That logic could push that idea out of his seven year old head. This idea is ridiculous like glass planes with glass luggage where everyone could see your undies! Absurd. School is safe Benno.

And still I feel this way. It’s absurd.

It does not compute.

It makes zero logical sense. It is truly nonsensical that someone would shoot up a school. Kill innocent children.

But yet here we are.


And I am truly in disbelief as I know there is no such thing as “again.” Nope. I do not accept the concept of “repeat.”

Each school shooting has a compound affect. All the previous communities ripped apart as they experienced the loss of the unthinkable continue to grieve, just to see it again. That the parents Sandy Hook watch. And how they live knowing that the world will forget these families as we have them. I’m in disbelief and shame on us, because this should only happen once.

And NO it does NOT have to be this way.

There are other democratic first-world countries that have done better. Actually, ALL of them have done better. Even ones with vast hunting cultures have done better.

And let’s be clear, guns kill more children in America. Cancer of course coming in at number two.

And everytime this happens “again” we should be ashamed, because this time we knew better. We knew better 100x. To be accurate we know 376x better. That’s how many school shootings their have been. 376 school shootings.

Or wait! Maybe 348,000 is the right number. That’s how many children have been involved in a school shooting. 348,000 school children have experienced being in a school with an active shooter. 348,000 traumatized children and don’t forget their families.

And nothing has changed. We have done nothing.

We have somehow accepted this. This is now a thing. It even has a name “School shooting.” A category. You can google it.

This was not a phrase 20 years ago.

We don’t need to accept this. We are mothers. This is our job.

I have been giving to Sandy Hook Promise since Sandy Hook Promise started. I give $18 a month, but more than anything I lend my name to petitions. And that’s free! Please join me in that.

And Ms. Katie C-o-u-r-i-c inspired me to follow suit. I was able to beat her record clocking in at 4 mins 28 seconds. Rep Dan Goldman’s office picked up on the first ring ! Here is a head start:) Office number: (202) 225-7944.

Any action is action.


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