Green light.
Green light.
It wasn’t a rave. It wasn’t an alien planet. It wasn’t a stop light.
It was a circle.
A circle of angels. A circle of friends of the night with wings that fly.
A circle of prayer powered by community. Powered by you. I still can’t quite fathom that it happened. All these people, people I SO admire taking time to schlep to the Upper East Side for Jacob. To stand by my bench that every day I go to. There was no trophy, no party bags. There were no passed foods nor a cocktail station. No. The only thing were the cars and fumes from the FDR drive and each other.
And there you were.
And our circle was full of Green light. Green healing light. It bathed us all.
And as we prayed in our close circle we left room for one. We left room for Jacob. I added a few others. There are a bunch of children that need this light. Children prisoners in their own body.
And Jacob came. We visualized him there.
I knew he would come. He likes green lights. How could he not as they seem to be the color of choice for alien battles. I think he would call it a lazer. Yes . Definitely. A lazer! This would be a light he would welcome. This would be his light of choice.
I saw him as a Jedi. He had his saber, it was green. And I saw that saber cutting away the cancer. Not a knife. Not a blade. A light. A healing light. It hardly needed to touch the cancer. The light would just graze and the cancer would fall. No fear of hurting. No fear of damage. Just light.
I hear it now. The sound the saber makes. I can’t quite write it. How do you write that sound? Zuuum?
And then it’s gone and all of a sudden everything is white. All white.
He is surrounded by white light. He is surrounded by you.
I feel certain that everything will be okay. I really do. We have also been getting updates that Jacob is stable.
Maybe this is a naive feeling. But I feel calm and clear. I understand the WHY and I think I also understand the HOW.
And now I have deals to get to.
I’ve made some major deals.