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For the BIG KIDS

Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Do you have a BIG kid? Or maybe you are a BIG kid yourself? Looking to keep your big kids occupied in ways that feel enriching beyond the screen?

They aren’t going to be tricked by the enthusiasm of a sheet of word problems. They won’t be enthused by your idea of fun. They are BIG. Give them the respect to solve real challenges in the REAL world.

Here are some examples.


School may have to have social distancing when they return. How will that work? You’re an expert on school. SOLVE THIS. Look at your old school schedule. Think about the spaces you have in school. What problems do you foresee? How can YOU solve them? 

CHALLENGE #2: I miss XXXXXX (insert ANYTHING here)

Got a BIG kid complaining non stop about all the things they are missing?! Well, challenge them to recreate them. But really recreate it. Have them think BIG. It’s not just the Pizza from a certain restaurant you miss, but what about the restaurant experience makes it a “restaurant” experience. Is there music? How are the tables arranged? Are there candles? What are the roles of people who work there? Make the menu! This is an entire day of building, creating and cooking. 


Got an old computer or appliance that is broken? Let them take it apart and learn about its components and build with the parts to make art or a new invention. We just recently did this. Look HERE! Now that Benno has learned the major components of a computer, he will then build his own computer using Piper


There are loads of interesting life stories happening right now. Even in your HOME. Have your big kid interview relatives across the globe and a family chronicle.


Now that you have experienced distant learning, what are parts you like? What are parts you don’t like? What would your DREAM school look like now? Are there classes you would like to take from home if any? What would your schedule look like in this new reality? Build it! Send it to your school even. They too are looking for answers.


Everyone is in the education business now, including YOU. The private sector is exploding with resources. Look what Dyson released here.  You also can repurpose all of those Amazon packages as cardboard is a needed for most challenges.


Is your big kid staring at the walls and complaining about them? Give them the challenge of building their dream room. This will require them to measure all the walls in their room. Remind them about doors (they will need to open in their designs!). Then give them a website like Wayfair and go to town. They will need to look up dimensions etc then draw the furniture into their floor plan. Have them add up the costs for some math work! Hey maybe they have some good ideas.


Have a brooding kid? Is this kid especially dark right now? Take that out on film. There are LOADS of challenges. Here is a 30 day one. Or maybe stop-animation will excite a budding director,

Hope this is helpful!



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