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Dr. Brody

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Benno wants to be a doctor. Dreams can come true. He says he is going to cure cancer. I believe him. Why not? Maybe that is what we need. A kind 8 year old that doesn’t think about money or patents.

He stayed up late last night. He was designing his office.

He requested that we give him real estate. I swear. This he requested. He has settled for the space under his bunk bed. His designs were quite elaborate. He sent us a list of what he needs (in the exact order):


Glove holder (I mean you can’t have gloves just laying around)



Strep Test Kit



Dr. outfit

Prescription pad with his name on it

Rolling snack cart (this got a smile out of me. He understands customer service)

Mesasuring height section


Pulse oximeter

Computer mount

Hand sanitizer

Way to take payment


Medical hammers

Dental mirror

Exam table

He has settled on repurposing his bench for the medical table. We will get him the necessary paper to make this work. And today Steve bought him a strep kit test. I got a strep test. Its negative in case you were worried. At least I don’t have strep.

I have my very own Doogie Howser.

And I got excited about teaching him biology. I plan on teaching him the human body systems and I do have access to a few doctors and nurses. Internship! My mind is thinking about all of the projects we can do. This I can do, but I had to get out of bed.

I got out of bed to start planning with some help from a Jedi that showed up.


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