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Dear college aged parent,

Updated: Mar 23, 2024

People have found this email we send to interested parents helpful so passing along. It tries to give some answers in a world of questions to parents navigating the every changing reality of higher education.


We at Mind the Gap Now hear your cries. This pandemic has many victims, including your student (and you). We have kids too. We understand how stressful this is for everyone in your family.

In a world of uncertainty with a lot of questions, MTG felt that you would appreciate what we DO KNOW to help you navigate through this time.

WE DO KNOW that the value of college/university education is based on in-person instruction. In-person learning is how higher education is designed and has operated for decades. We at MTG believe that 20% of the learning on campus happens in the classroom, the other 80% in the quad. We are not alone in this belief; just ask the students. Recent polls show that the majority (one survey reporting 64%) of incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors will defer if their college has ANY distant learning plans after this last Spring semester. This data speaks for itself. The user has spoken. Universities and colleges, unfortunately, are forced to pivot into a model that they are not designed for nor excel at.

WE DO KNOW that the pandemic will bring disruptions to this fall semester. Some colleges have already announced that they will be entirely distant this fall, while others have adopted blended approaches. These approaches attempt to decrease the density of the population on campus in accordance with social distancing guidelines. Regardless of each campus’s method, it is clear that the fall will not be the experience your student knows and loves. At MTG, we think your student has been robbed of enough.

WE DO KNOW that graduating in the Fall of 2020 or the Spring of 2021 will be the worst job market in recent history due to record unemployment. This is not the time to push to graduate. We at MTG believe that those who graduate will be forced back into the education system. Having no other options, students will enroll in graduate programs, taking on more debt, and even more devastating, continuing on a career path that they have no idea if they will love or hate. They have yet to see the world.

WE DO KNOW that a gap semester/year is the greatest gift you can give your student. The research is clear, a student that takes a gap year experience outperforms in school and life.

SO BREATHE! You have options. Your student has options.

Make this time not a loss, but a gain.

Let us fill the GAPS, become LIFE READY.

Program Calendar: 14 weeks (September 8th- December 18th)

Tuition: $5,000

Applications Open: June 8th


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