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Chick Olympics

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

I am determined to make these last few days for all of us. We have Jacob back for 2 more days.

He has gained 2 lbs eating sausage in Vienna. There was not a sausage that Jacob did not try. His passion (eating) is back and he is making up for lost time! This is the longest he has gone without being poisoned or having surgery. He is back to being a kid. He even is able to do this! This dance party was inspired when he told me that while I’m a good teacher, I don’t do dancing like at Avenues. Cue dancing!

Only two more days of Jacob feeling good so today I woke up the boys with important news.

ME: “Do you know that today is an important day?”

Benno: (sigh) “What now?”

ME: CUE Olympic theme song (yes I had it ready to play). It is the Chick Olympics!

That got their attention. Straight to work we went!

And no Olympics would be complete without the winner’s platform! Gold, Silver & Bronze

We had our own version of an opening ceremony.

Our first attempt was interrupted by a terrorist attack. The lives of these Olympians have been threatened daily. Anderson where are you?! You should be covering the action!

But our second attempt included an opening ceremony. Screw torches, this is where light sabers belong.

Action shot of the race.

And the winners?

PARMESAN took Gold

SCHNITZEL took Silver

CUTLET took Bronze

I wish I could say I am the best mother ever. But this was just as much for me as it was for them. I needed a good laugh. When life gives you lemons or pears (love you Jeannie! A must-read for everyone), you have to make your own happy memories.

Today is a happy day. I have my boys and my chicks.

And tonight I imagine will be more of last night. Steve and I have invited some chicks into our relationship.

Just an average day at the Brodys!


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