While the world’s attention has been hijacked, mine hasn’t. I continue to read, think, about cancer. If anything my speed is increasing. There are some promising things happening in the medical community. Things that prior to COVID seemed absolute, but right before my eyes the ground is shaking.
Its a revolution! A medical revolution!
Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I believe this virus is paving the way for a new tomorrow in medicine. The medical community will not return to “again.” They will build BETTER.
For the first time, walls are being brought down in the medical community. Academia, the private sector, and doctors are working together. Previously they each eyed each other with suspicion. Each having their own way of doing things and each accusing the other of not having the “whole picture,” because each of their own biases did not allow any perfect vision. But here we are. It’s 20/20.
We have the world coming together with east and west medical models working together. We also have people talking about the environment for the first time, which plays a HUGE role in cancer. Carcinogens we know are real. Polluting our air, water, and food has huge consequences (cancer being one) and people are waking up to this reality as they pause and reunite with nature.
And I believe we will walk out changed. Or at least the medical community and public interest in medicine will.
I think the discovery of a vaccine for COVID-19 will just be the beginning of cures and cancer will be next. Cancer takes 10,000,000 lives a year. Cancer also strikes with no warning like COVID and costs the economy TONS. 895 Billion a year cancer costs the world. Yes. 895 Billion. And we have been paying that bill for decades!
So I’m taking notes here. I’m watching you, world. I’m watching as you rewrite “protocols.” I’m watching dr.’s rethink the “known.” I’m watching the private sector fund novel ideas. And for the first time it seems that out of the box thinking is being rewarded rather than scoffed at.
And I have the ultimate warrior to remind me that this fight can be won. This morning when I told Jacob we were going to the hospital. He asked if he will be getting 3f8 (immunotherapy). Ugh. Dreaded question and I was ready for things to start flying and shrieks, but I also couldn’t lie. “Yes” I said reluctantly.
His answer: “Alrighty.”
Well, wonders never cease.