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Augmented Realty is here as promised…

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

My enthusiasm for Augmented Reality (AR) has been unwavering, bordering on obsession. When I first encountered AR in 2013, I was immediately convinced of its potential to reshape our future. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), which I view as primarily an entertainment tool, AR holds the transformative power to alter our daily lives and redefine the human experience.

The Apple Vision Pro’s AR goggles represent a significant step in this AR revolution. While we are still in the early stages, there’s no turning back now. The integration of AR into society is inevitable, as It is our destiny to push beyond our limits. We have been augmenting our human experience for years. Pacemakers, hearing aids, glasses, airplanes are all of things that augment the human experience to allow us to take on new powers like flight without wings!

Currently, the Apple Vision Pro might appear as a novelty, mainly appealing to early adopters with the means to afford its hefty price tag. However, this is a common trajectory for groundbreaking technologies. Within the next decade, I anticipate a surge in AR applications across various sectors.

In the field of education, widespread adoption of AR in classrooms may still be a decade away, but its potential is already evident in other learning environments. Imagine replacing traditional museum tours with AR experiences, where students can view a painting and simultaneously watch a video depicting the artist’s process. Picture walking tours of New York City where a mere glance at a building reveals its historical images, allowing for a virtual tour of the city as it was in the 1970s.

In conclusion, the Apple Vision Pro is much more than a mere gadget; it marks the beginning of a new era in augmenting the everyday human experience.


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