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Ant funeral

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Thank you all for gathering today.

Today we say goodbye to dear friends, the ants. We will remember their grit and their tenacity, but mostly the lessons.

While their life was short each day they seized. Building and working together. Even in their last days, they kept building.

Instead of trite words, I share their legacy.

Their legacy as teachers. I would even go so far as to say they taught us a bit about being more human. Ants teaching us about humanity. Or rather what it can be.

So here.

This is one of my favorites and I never want to forget any of it.

I love Steve’s viewpoint. “Hire an exterminator to fix our ant problem.” lol.

I love Benno’s questions. I love how he still questions. How as adults we stop asking such things.

I love watching that ant do herculean acts!

And I love Benno’s take on heavy metal:)

How much I learned from those ants oh and those two humans aren’t bad either.



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