I’ve never been a fan of the word “hope.”
“Hope” implies a passive experience. It implies no control and wishful thinking. Most things don’t happen on “hope” at least so I’ve learned. You can have positivity. You can help manifest your future, but you can’t just sit there, it does require action. You have to live it.
So hope is a sucky word, but I pick on this word for a reason.
As I don’t want you to be fooled by the title of this invitation I’m extending to you.
I’m not inviting you to HOPE with me for a cure to cancer, I’m inviting you to be PART of a cure for cancer.
We aren’t going to sing Kumbaya. We aren’t hoping for shit. We are doing shit. We are curing fucking cancer, because it turns out this drug that the band funded is helping these kids survive. And “these kids,” include my own. But even better news?! It’s could help other cancers too.
Isn’t that incredible?!
Actually, it is very credible. This should not be a surprise. Of course the Band would do it.
What band?
THE BAND OF PARENTS. Because nothing stops parents. We run through walls.
So come be part of us running through more walls and getting a step closer to curing one of the deadliest pediatric cancers and then go after the rest of them.
If you can’t make it to the event- remember, you can still be part of it!
Zoom with us and help us raise the money to keep this research going!
Join Zoom Meeting @ 5:30PM https://luxcapital.zoom.us/j/9179166527
Meeting ID: 917 916 6527 One tap mobile +16468769923,,9179166527# US (New York)